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December 6, 2019

The Holidays are HERE!

Every teacher knows there is not tired like the beginning of school tired right? How did we forget about the December tired? The endless stories about what their elf at home is doing each day, the full of energy, bouncing little excited people we try to try to get to stay focused tired??? I would be lying if I said that I did not enjoy it because I do. I really enjoy this time of the year and the sweet excitement I can see through my students eyes. It is challenging to keep students focused during this time of the year. One thing I try to do is stay on schedule and keep students in a routine. With that being said, I love to bring in seasonal centers and crafts that keep students engaged and focused while still getting to do something fun. One center that my students absolutely is our QR center. Students can easily scan the QR card to listen to a seasonal book. This makes a great listening center.
December Listening Centers-Christmas, Santa and More!December QR

Try this Freebie to see how you like it
December/Christmas QR Listening Center FreebieFreebie

One of our favorite thing to do during time of the year is CRAFTS!!!!!!
AND....Do you know what is even better?? Crafts that are aligned to the standards!
WE love making our shape crafts and they make super cute hallway displays!

Check them out
Shape Reindeer Craft ActivityReindeer

Students love creating their shape reindeer and then writing about it.

Hope you are able to stay stress free during the Holiday season...enjoy these freebies to help make your season more bright
December Mystery Picture FreebieFREEBIE

November 15, 2019

It's Turkey Time

I love prepping seasonal stations! I love the paper turkeys, the Thanksgiving read a louds, I just plain love everything about this time of the year. Yes it is stressful keeping excited little minds engaged. I mean anyone else think October had 47 days? It went on and on and on! So I like this little lull before the craziness of the Christmas seeps in.
Our school had a lunch and learn this past week. It coincides with our shape unit. So we made shape turkeys and graphed the shapes we used. Next we invited parents in to talk about how we created our shape turkeys. We had a great turn out and students were excited to share their turkeys with their families.

Shape Turkey/Thanksgiving Craft/Activity #trickysale
Shape Turkey

I also love using our Monthly Listening centers! This is one of our students all time favorite and they ask when are we getting new stories. These are easy to prep and come with comprehension sheets to check for understanding as they are reading. You can purchase the November set or buy the Bundle to keep students engaged in great books all year long. The bundle is 20% off this month!
November Listening Center-Thanksgiving and turkeysNovember Listening Center


Year Long Listening Center QR code Bundle -Over 250 Stories
Click here to save 20%

Buying a bundle can save you time and money. This listening center bundle and our color the code mystery picture bundles are great for centers.

Buy and save while they are 20% off100s Chart Mystery Picture-Monthly-Year Long BundleYear Long Mystery Picture Bundle

Enjoy this freebie and be sure to let us know how you like it!
These are great for stations or independent work!
Mystery Picture November Freebie
Click here for a FREEBIE

As you can tell I love using our resources during the holiday season. They help keep students engaged while still getting to have a little fun oh wait they are also aligned with the standards!
Hope you enjoy these great resources as much as we do!

August 2, 2019

Tips for a Successful School Year

It’s quiet….your room looks amazing, your lesson plans are done for the whole first week of
school--BUT what happens when the first bell rings??  What happens when there are
20 sets of eyes staring at you-what next?

Look no further. I have some tips to help you have a very smooth 1st week of school.

Tip 1
Have your room prepped for their success-Our students stagger into the classroom
for about 20-25 minutes each morning, and on that first day we even have some
nervous mom’s walk their child to class.  
When my students walk in, they do not open their bookbag or supply box.
I greet them and then ask them to find their name on a desk, hang their book bag
on the back of their chair (Without opening it), and to begin coloring the sheet on their desk.
I provide a small set of crayons to be used until we get all their supplies
unpacked(this will happen later).  You have just directed them to their first activity
of the day, and you are also introducing them to what you expect to happen every morning
for the next 180 days!

Tip 2
Movement in the room-Did you know you should have your students practice how you want them
to move around the classroom? This part of my routine is just natural--every time we leave
our chairs, or leave the carpet, I stop them and tell them how it should be done in our class. 
For Example--Boys and girls it is time to stop coloring, put your crayons back into their
baggie-give them time to do this. IF someone stands up and moves to the carpet, tell them to go
back to their seat, that we are going to practice it together.
Say--Boys and girls we push in our chairs  when we are leaving our seats, we walk
to the carpet and find our spots. Take every opportunity the first few weeks to remind
them how to do it.  They need to know what you expect! You need to set your expectations
and then PRACTICE, practice, practice!

Tip 3
Spend the first few weeks practicing.......YES, weeks!  If you put the time into
practicing your procedures and routines now, your class will run smooth for the rest of
the year!! A wise veteran teacher told me many years ago, to practice now at the beginning
of the year or spend the rest of the year correcting their behavior.

Listed below are a few important procedures that you need to set the expectations
for at the very beginning of the year and continue to practice for at least 4-6 weeks.
Procedures to teach:
*How to unpack their bookbag (this should be how you want it done each day)
*Morning routine
*How to move in the room
*How to walk in the halls
*How to use bathroom
*How to do stations/centers
*How to work together
*How to use technology

Also don’t forget to role play! Students love acting out how to correctly do a procedure.
I even get silly and pretend to be the “bad” student! You know they love seeing the teacher
being silly!

These are just a few that have helped my school year run smoothly. 
I hope it gets you in the mind shift of practicing now instead of correcting all year.
I would love to hear some other ways that you practice and implement routines in your classroom.

If you would like to know what I use for the first few days as morning work, take peek below.
I love using mystery pictures or really something that the students can come in and do
independently. That is the most important part because so many unexpected things happen
those first few days, parents popping in, a new student at your door, an unexpected bus
change. So here are a few things to use to help save your sanity, plus they are really engaging.
Back to School Mystery Pictures

Try it out here! FREEBIE